

A&C – the trustworthy companion of clients using auditing and consulting services

We are proud to be a member of the Baker Tilly network, a global network of independent accounting and business advisory firms, whose member firms share the dedication to exceptional services to both local and global clients.

The international network gives us significant global reach in addition to our substantial national presence. We collaborate to leverage our skills, resources and local expertise with dedication to help our clients grow locally, nationally and globally.

Commencing our business since 1992, A&C Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd. prides ourselves as one of the leading independent auditing firms in Vietnam and the first firm under the management of the Ministry of Finance that successfully transformed its ownership form twice according to the stipulations of the Government and the Ministry of Finance. 

  • From a State-owned enterprise to a State-owned joint stock company in December 2003
  • From a State-owned joint stock company to a multi-member limited liability company in February 2007·        

Baker Tilly A&C is specialized in providing audit and assurance, advisory, valuation on business management, accounting, finance, tax, investment and bookkeeping service as well.

We are one of the first independent auditing firms approved by the State Security Commission to provide audits to public entities in securities. Our firm is also one of the first independent auditing firms permitted by the State Bank of Vietnam to conduct audits on credit institutions and commercial banks in Vietnam.

From January 2004 to April 2010, we were a member of HLB international - a worldwide network of professional accounting firms and business advisers having head quarter in United Kingdom.

Since May 2010, we become an official member of Baker Tilly International, one of the leading global network of accounting firms and business advisers (www.bakertilly.global).

After over 30 years of development and growth, Baker Tilly A&C has continually enriched our service diversity and quality as well as enlarged our team.

In addition, we are a member of Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA); Vietnam Business Club (VBC) and Vietnam Tax Consultants’ Association (VTCA).

Baker Tilly A&C’s operation principles and commitments

  • Baker Tilly A&C operates on the principles of independence, objectiveness, integrity, protection of the rights, benefits and business secrets of clients as well as our own rights in compliance with the laws;

  • Incessantly developing a professional human resource and actively applying the advanced technology to help our clients reach their goals in the context of global development and integration;
  • Providing high quality services in a professional manner;

  • Developing and retaining valuable relationships with clients in a professional, trustable and friendly working environment;

  • Giving optimal supports to help clients achieve business successes in Vietnam; 

·        Striving to bring the highest benefits to our clients, staff, investors and the society.

Baker Tilly A&C has developed our network to major economic centers of the country, including Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Nha Trang and Can Tho. We have been and continued being a reliable and reputable auditor and business advisor to clients nationwide.

With our team of experienced auditors, appraisers, financial advisors and consultants who have been working in the field since its early introduction to Vietnam, our Baker Tilly A&C is proud to offer our local and international clients with the best professional services in the following service lines.

      ·         Auditing                        ·         Consulting

      ·         Accounting                   ·         Legal

      ·         Training                        ·         Valuation

Baker Tilly A&C has been providing services to more than 2,000 clients operating in various industries and business sectors. With our thorough understanding of local business environment, investment policies and procedures, taxes, laws, accounting and consultancy in Vietnam and deep knowledge of industry and business models over the world, we are keeping the enduring efforts to help our clients improve their operation and achieve their business goals.

Selecting Baker Tilly A&C your service provider, you will be offered with the optimal solutions that enhance your business. Contact us now to discuss further on how we can meet your essential requests. Baker Tilly A&C will be your trustworthy companion on your journey.


Baker Tilly A&C is home to elite who are talented but disciplined, patriotic but spirited working for beautiful purposes.

Every member of Baker Tily A&C family always actively and constantly keeps learning and striving for their perfection, taking our corporate culture and 6 core values as the guideline for their behaviours.

With the high discipline priority, Baker Tilly A&C culture, first and foremost, focuses on  the professionalism expressed in three core values "DEVOTION - QUALITY - EFFICIENCY". High-speed, efficient and disciplined working culture has instilled into all staff, creating the synergy that drives Baker Tilly A&C’s outstanding growth in all areas we opperate.

At Baker Tilly A&C, each and every of our members takes our workplace as another home, where we spend most of our daily time. It is always our honor to be a member of Baker Tilly A&C Family, despite in any role or position.


Baker Tilly A&C is proud to be recognized as one of the leading auditing and consulting firms in Vietnam and top 10 most privileged service providers in Vietnam. Our serve policy is to keep striving to provide the highest quality service to our clients. We are also always willing to support the clients in resolving the impediments or questions associated their business operation by giving advises and recommendation for perfection and improvement of their management system. Our aims are to protect your legitimate benefits of the clients with the motto “Serving clients - great honor of Baker Tilly A&C”.

Who we are




Commencing operations since 1992, A&C Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd. takes great pride of ourselves as one of the leading independent auditing firms in Vietnam.

Baker Tilly A&C has built up a team of more than 500 professional staff who have been well trained in reputable universities in Vietnam as well as in other countries in the world such as England, France, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, America, etc.

Services quality, professional codes of ethics and the company’s prestige are always the first and foremost standards that all Baker Tilly A&C members take as their performance guidline. With the thoroughly understanding of the country, people and laws of Vietnam, Baker Tilly A&C is proud  to offer the services that satisfy all the needs from our clients.