Leadership Team

Nguyen Van Sam

Construction Investment Audit
Hanoi Office
Phone :+84 (024) 3736 7879

Mr. Nguyen Van Sam has more than 6 years working as a corporate financial accountant and 28 years of experience working in consultancy and auditing with 22 years of experiences in which, he works in consultancy and auditing the finalized accounts of completed projects.

Taking the role as Audit Director in Construction Investment Audit at Hanoi Office, he has accumulated intensive experiences on directing and managing audits of traffic, civil, industrial, technical infrastructure, and other construction works. His professional experiences have gained client trust and he has been awarded certificates of merit and the title of Emulation Soldier in Finance by the Ministry of Finance.

He is a fellow member of VACPA and involved as member of the professional team in charge of developing the auditing standards No. 1000 and sample audit file applicable to auditing the finalized accounts of completed projects under the Decision No. 018-2026/QĐ-VACPA dated 27 January 2016 of VACPA President. He has also been awarded many certificates of merit by the VACPA for his professional contributions.


  • Bachelor of Finance
  • FCPA Vietnam

Membership in professional association

Fellow Member of Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA)