The valuation and project appraisal help investors have an objective view of growth potential, economic efficiency, feasibility and possible risks of a project, or make strategic decisions on M&A, investment capital calling, restructuring and corporate governance.
What do you need?
- Joint ventures, capital contributions;
- Capital transfers;
- Business restructuring, improvement of business efficiency;
- Proof of financial capacity;
- M&A;
- Project efficiency assessment during the investment to make subsequent decisions;
- Choosing the optimal investment structure;
- Business and investment management.
The valuation and project appraisal which are performed by valuers, in close coordination with financial, accounting, legal and tax experts, will provide useful and comprehensive information for managers or investors to make important decisions, assess efficiency and risks and make appropriate investment plans.
How we can help
At Baker Tilly A&C, we have a wide range of valuation and project appraisal services that are customized to meet your needs. Explore our services:
- Pre-feature study for potential investment projects and proposal for suitable projects
- Technical and economic arguments for investment projects
- Assessment of investment project efficiency and risk analysis
- Business valuation
- Equity value determination
- Intangible asset value determination
- Determination of synergy value in M&A deals
- Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) according to VAS and IFRS
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