With the globalization and the complexity of business expansion around the world, authorities, especially tax authorities, are increasingly paying attention to the transfer pricing of multinational companies. Regulations on transfer pricing are more and more complex and strict. Tax authorities worldwide are coordinating with each other to ensure transparency in internal transactions. Not out of this global trend, authorities in Vietnam are aiming to standardize the management regulations on related party transactions according to OECD standards.
Over many years of service provision, Baker Tilly A&C has provided transfer pricing solutions for many businesses and achieved their satisfaction and trust.
What makes us different:
- Professional price analysis process:
The transfer pricing analysis report is prepared on the basis of a survey of many objective and subjective factors to give the most reasonable evaluation of performance of a business, and detect inappropriate factors in the agreed price of related party transactions.
- Database for similar activities and optimization of material differences by utilizing domestic data sources
To minimize material differences between your Company and fellows, we develop an advanced screening process to separate business results similar to your Company, limiting the impact from other unrelated business activities.
In order to limit the use of foreign data sources, we make the most of financial data from domestic enterprises in our Database to match the Accounting System and the Vietnamese economy, increasing the reliability when comparing with your Company’s business results.
- Understanding of the Vietnamese market and law
The criteria for selecting comparable data and explaining your Company’s business results are based on a rigorous analysis process of the impact of macroeconomic factors such as economic policies, economic growth, competitiveness, advantages and challenges of the industry.
- Survey of the current position of the enterprise’s records to provide reasonable solutions
We review the archived records of related-party transactions to detect evidence deficiencies, assess the reasonableness of the transactions and the basis for pricing in the relationship between your Company and the Group, assess the risk of transparency upon accountability to the Tax Authority, etc. We thereby advise you on completing the records, minimizing the pressure when clarifying related party transactions to the Tax Authority.
- Other added values
- Support for future tax planning.
- Practical experience in supporting enterprises to work with the Tax Authority on related party transactions.
- After-sales services.
How we can help
- Consultancy on transfer pricing documentation (national documents, global documents, annexes on related party transaction declarations, representation letter on country-by-country report);
- Consultancy on risks, transfer pricing management planning;
- Consultancy and support for accountability on related party transactions;
- Consultancy on rate of return; rate of management fee, copyright; loan interest rates, etc.;
- Consultancy on pricing policies for internal transactions and documentation.
Our Team