
Baker Tilly A&C successfully holds training course ‘Risk Management in Practice – Fundamental level’ for Saigon Trading Group (Satra)

Posted Date - 17/08/2023

Risk management is becoming necessary and is considered as an important tool for the effective governance and sustainable development management of not only banks and financial institutions but also enterprises. As a result, more and more businesses place risk management as its top priority.

To help enterprises improve their risk management ability, Baker Tilly A&C has developed and provided training and consultancy services on risk management to many clients. In early August, Baker Tilly A&C successfully held the training program “Practice Risk Management – Fundamental level” for Saigon Trading Group (Satra).

Baker Tilly A&C successfully holds the training program on risk management for Satra.

At Satra’s request, the training course was designed to help its executives and employees thoroughly understand the roles and importance of business risk management; catch principles for management and building a strong business culture; equip knowledge and practical skills to develop a detailed risk management system which can meet the requirements of generally accepted practices and standards; apply contents obtained from the training program flexibly and properly in the planning, organization and deployment of the risk management system.

The training course focused on helping trainees clearly understand the roles, functions and importance of business risk management in corporate governance; business management and culture; basic definitions in risk management and a detailed risk management process.

Mr. Ngo Minh Tam – Senior Manager in charge of Risk Management services at Baker Tilly A&C, the main instructor of the training course.

Two key trainers of the course were Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh - Consulting and Training Partner and Mr. Ngo Minh Tam - Senior Manager in charge of risk management services at Baker Tilly A&C. With a thorough understanding of the market, business lines and expertise and experience accumulated from many domestic risk management projects, the two trainers from Baker Tilly A&C provided trainees with knowledge and practice skills, serving as a useful foundation for the development of the risk management system at Satra and its members in the future.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh - Consulting and Training Partner of Baker Tilly A&C, the main trainer of the training course.

The training course was highly appreciated by trainees thanks to the dedication of trainers and the effectiveness of the training content, and the in-depth interaction through discussions between Baker Tilly A&C’s trainers and trainees and between trainees.

To support businesses in increasing their awareness of risk management and improving corporate governance, Baker Tilly A&C provides risk management solution packages, including: consulting on setting up a risk management system, building an enterprise-wide risk records and control system consulting solutions, including: consulting on building internal control processes, reviewing and perfecting the internal control process, the compliance with the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, etc. These services will be customized to match each client’s specific needs.